SPS Families: access all your resources, all in one place.
Here you can easily sign into your SGA account, learn about the Brightwheel app, invite friends to SPS, and more.
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The Seattle Preschool + Pre-K at Seattle Gymnastics Academy uses the SGA enrollment platform to manage preschool registration, waivers and billing, event registration and more.
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Preschool Communication Made Easy
We use Brightwheel as a communication tool between our Seattle Preschool + Pre-K families and teachers. An invitation to join Brightwheel for your child’s preschool group will be sent to you at the beginning of each new academic school year.

The SGA mobile app allows access to all your SGA account information so you can easily enroll in classes and events, find quick and helpful links, and more.
Download the SGA app from the Apple App Store ➔ or the Google Play Store ➔

Preschool is more fun with friends.
Invite others to see what makes The Seattle Preschool so special! ➔
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We will send your friend a one-time welcome email with information about our Preschool + Pre-K programs, facility, and philosophy.
To secure your child’s spot in the upcoming academic school year, all families must complete a private tour or attend an open house. We encourage families to take the opportunity during the tour / open house to view the space, meet the teachers and ask any questions you may have.
After your private tour or open house attendance, submit the digital enrollment application along with the $150 application fee, to apply for your child’s spot in your desired program.
Admissions decisions are communicated in early-Spring and acceptance is subject to program availability.
We offer automatic monthly billing! Tuition payments and any outstanding balances are automatically processed on the 20th of each month using your primary payment information on file. (Example: December classes are billed November 20th.) If you need to make changes to your autopay arrangements, please update your records online, over the phone or in person before the 19th of the month. Please note: We cannot hold spots without payment.
We accept the following payment methods:
Visa, Mastercard and AmEx (with a 3.5% surcharge fee) and E-check (ACH)- Monthly tuition remains the same each month, regardless of the number of classes held within that month. Scheduled SPS closures, as well as shorter / longer months, are already calculated into the annual average tuition cost so your payments stay the same each month and you are not paying for days when the facility is closed. Credits and / or tuition pro-rates will not be provided for scheduled closures after the date of your enrollment.
- A deposit equal to one month’s tuition, an annual supply fee and a lifetime registration fee of $55 are due at the time of registration. All subsequent payments are processed on the 20th of each month for the following month and all guidelines outlined within will apply thereafter.
- Monthly tuition will be auto-drafted from the credit card or bank account on file on the 20th of the month. If an account holder would like to pay by cash, payments must be received by the 19th of the month or the credit card or bank account on file will be charged.
- A late fee of $25 will be applied for any fees not paid by the 25th of the month.
- Please monitor your payment method on file. An NSF fee of $35 will be applied for any returned payments or bank drafts.
- New and updated billing, address and telephone information is the responsibility of the account holder. It is not the responsibility of Seattle Gymnastics Academy to notify the member of expired credit cards and NSF returns.
Billing Authorization: By registering for programs at Seattle Gymnastics Academy, the account holder represents and warrants that they are paying for a service from this facility or from other merchants through this facility and that:
- Any credit card, banking and personal information they supply is true and complete.
- Charges incurred by the account holder will be honored by their credit card company or financial institution.
- The account holder will pay the charges incurred at the posted prices, including any applicable taxes, fees and penalties, and
- The account holder understands that monthly payment amounts may change based on program enrollment / class duration and may include additional fees including, but not limited to, late fees, uniform fees and competition fees.
Automatic Payments: By providing online payment information to Seattle Gymnastics Academy, the account holder authorizes the facility to automatically charge their credit card or bank account on a recurring monthly basis.
- The account holder understands and has read the policies of Seattle Gymnastics Academy and understands the named persons and / or participants are enrolled in a program that has recurring monthly tuition.
- The account holder is responsible to make timely payments of all balances due on their Seattle Gymnastics Academy account. If, for whatever reason, payments cannot be processed and an account balance remains overdue, the account holder understands that enrollment in classes will be canceled and they will be responsible for all costs incurred for collection of any delinquent payments.
One month’s written notice is required for withdrawing your child from The Seattle Preschool + Pre-K Program. Written notice is required by the 1st day of your last month. You will be responsible for all tuition charges posted to your account for 30 days from the date the notice is given. If you choose to withdraw your child before the end of the school year for any reason, your deposit is forfeited and cannot be transferred to other programming or used towards your final 30 days.
The Seattle Preschool + Pre-K partners directly with Seattle Gymnastics Academy to provide physical activity and gymnastics instruction to all students enrolled in our academic preschool programs..
SGA must have an electronic Student Waiver and Liability Release form completed for each participant on the gym floor. A parent or legal guardian must complete this release prior to participation in activities at SPS and SGA.
You may complete this information online before the first class, or you can stop by the front desk, and our Member Services Staff will be happy to assist you.
For the comfort and safety of our students, instructors at SGA and SPS are certified through USA Gymnastics, complete Heads Up! Concussion Training, have regular national background checks and are trained in CPR and first aid.
Even with highly trained instructors, it is impossible to eliminate the danger in gymnastics. Gymnastics is inherently dangerous because it is physically demanding and immovable equipment creates the risk of injury. While most injuries are minor, some can be extremely serious: severe pain, broken bones, damage to internal organs, and in extreme cases, total paralysis or death can result from landing improperly on the head, neck, or back.
If you have a specific safety concern, we are happy to discuss it. Please talk to one of our coaches or our Member Services Staff.
Our school year begins in September and ends in June. We typically follow Seattle Public Schools for all major holidays and closures. Important dates, vacations and non-school days will be posted each month on Brightwheel and you will receive a full list of closure dates before the school year begins. The schedule is subject to change and we will give a 30-day notice for any changes that are made during our school year when possible.
The Preschool may close due to snow or adverse weather conditions. Since these days are not scheduled in advance you will receive notification via Brightwheel as soon as possible. When considering closing for inclement weather we will be following the recommendations of local schools and daycare centers in the surrounding area that are holding in person learning. There will be no credits or refunds for days missed due to school closures, snow days, illness, or vacations.
We pride ourselves on creating an inclusive environment and we do our best to accommodate most situations. To ensure a safe and high-quality experience for all participants and staff, please notify the Member Services Staff of your child’s allergy, medical condition and / or any special accommodations that may be required upon enrollment so SPS can provide the best support possible.
Please indicate any special circumstances under the medical notes in your online profile so our staff is aware prior to commencement of classes. In most cases, we request that a Medical Care Plan, signed by a healthcare provider, is on file for students with life-threatening allergies and / or medical conditions to ensure safe participation while in our facility. Each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind a safe and high-quality experience for all.
To assure your child’s safety, please be sure that the following are completed before the first / next day of registered activities at SPS / SGA:
Review SGA’s Policy for Students with Medical Conditions
Return a signed copy of the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Policy for Administering Treatment to Children with Medical Conditions to the front desk along with the necessary medical care paperwork.
Request that your health care provider fill out and sign the appropriate Emergency Care Plan (links to the required documentation are provided below). Please make sure that both your signature and the health care provider’s signature are on the forms with current dates and update us with changes to your child’s condition as needed.
Severe Allergy Emergency Care Plan
Other Medical Conditions (Cognitive, Developmental, and/or Social) Emergency Care Plan
You may submit both the action plan and policy form to our front desk by email or in-person. If you have any questions, our Member Services Staff is available during normal business hours and will be happy to assist you.
When does the school year start?
Our school year begins in September and ends in June. We typically follow Seattle Public Schools for all major holidays and closures.
Can I enroll my child after the school year has started?
We are happy to accept new students after the school year has started, as space allows. Mid-year enrollments must be approved by the Preschool Director to ensure a smooth transition into the classroom for both new and current students. If you are interested in enrolling for the current academic year, please reach out to our Member Services Staff to discuss your enrollment options and schedule a private tour.
What is the difference between Preschool and Pre-K?
Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten curriculums are similar in many ways. They both promote learning and growth using play as the predominant method for learning, meaning students are given a developmentally appropriate environment and activities that nurture their creativity, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving skills and more. Both programs expose kids to exploring and discovery through hands-on activities.
In both preschool and pre-k curriculums, social and emotional growth are valued and nurtured. At the Seattle Preschool + Pre-K, our preschool Teachers create warm and safe environments that allow children to establish connections with other kids while also learning social skills through daily interactions, mentoring and teaching.
The main difference between a preschool and pre-k curriculum, is the age of the children and the amount of time spent in the classroom.
- Children between 3 and 4 years attend a preschool program. School hours are 4-hours each day and programs meet 2-days a week, 3-days a week or 5-days a week.
- Pre-k programs, on the other hand, are for children aged 4 to 5 years who will be entering kindergarten the following year. School hours are 5-hours each day and programs meet 5-days a week.
Pre-k curriculum is also specially designed to get kids ready for kindergarten. Their kindergarten readiness activities are focused more on structured learning and deeper skill building. Both preschool and pre-kindergarten programs have independence, and school readiness as the focus. However, students in a pre-kindergarten program are being prepared for more advanced learning.
Our pre-K program is the preparatory step to kindergarten that requires more formal and structured activities and teaching. The instruction is designed to help students develop skills in early literacy, math, writing, science and more. The kids are also given fun activities that strengthen fine motor skills. They learn how to be independent through simple tasks and learn social skills through activities that encourage them to interact with their peers.
How can I tour the Seattle Preschool + Pre-K?
We invite you to attend an open house or schedule a private tour, so that you will have a personal connection to our Preschool teachers, curriculum and learning environment. To reserve a spot in an upcoming open house or to reserve a private tour, click here. If no dates display, please call us at 206.362.7447 and our Member Services Staff will be happy to assist you.
Does my child have to be potty trained to start school?
As preschool Teachers we understand that children are at various stages of potty training. We also recognize that big life changes, such as starting school, can set a child back and cause more frequent accidents to occur. Accidents and bathroom related issues happen often and the Teachers will help students as they happen throughout the day.
When starting Preschool, students must be able to attend without the use of pull-ups or diapers. If they require additional help with pulling on and off clothing or clothing changes the Teachers are always there to help. We also recognize that 3-5yr olds are still learning how to be self-sufficient in the restroom and that they may need additional help. We do not help students with physically wiping but are willing to teach and support a child with anything they might need while in the bathroom.
If you have any concerns about your child’s restroom habits or ability to attend preschool due to potty training, we encourage you to speak with the preschool Teachers during the open house or private tour.
How long is the school day?
Children 3-4 years of age in our Preschool Programs attend 4-hours (9:00am – 1:00pm) each scheduled day of school.
Children 4-5 years of age who will be entering kindergarten the following year in our Pre-k program attend 5-hours (9:00am – 2:00pm) each scheduled day of school.
Do you provide aftercare?
YES! One of the major benefits of our preschool is our unique partnership with Seattle Gymnastics Academy. SGA, in partnership with the Seattle Preschool + Pre-K, offers a flexible preschool aftercare program called Playdate Plus!
Click here to learn more about SGA’s Playdate Plus program.
Can I switch programs after the school year has started?
Yes. With the approval of the Preschool Director, you may switch preschool programs after the school year has started, as space allows. Please keep in mind that additional fees will be required when increasing time in the classroom. If you have any questions about which program will be the best fit for your child, please contact the preschool staff or reach out to your Member Services Staff for assistance.
What is the difference between a Preschool Program and a Daycare?
The words “preschool” and “daycare” or “child care” may be used interchangeably among parents, but there are major differences between them. While both offer great advantages to children, it is important to understand the difference between preschool vs. child care in order to make a choice that best suits the needs of your child.
Daycare and child care programs typically accept children in the age range of about 6 weeks and older. For the most part, child care is about providing services to parents when they need it most — during the working hours of the day. In a childcare or day care setting, babies, toddlers, and children have a safe and secure place to go where they will receive daily necessities such as feeding, napping, and activities.
Preschool programs are focused on the 3-5 year old age group. In a preschool program, learning pre-academic skills is the main objective, with the program focusing on the educational and social emotional needs of the children in order to prepare them developmentally for the years to come.
How old does my child have to be to start?
Seattle Preschool accepts children ages 3 – 5 years old for its academic program. In the state of Washington, children must be 2 years 10 months by the first day of school to enroll into an academic preschool program. Children close to 3 at the start of the school year will be accepted on a case by case basis. For those who just miss the age requirement to enroll at the beginning of the school year, we do offer a Toddler + Me: Early Start Preschool program (parent/caregiver participation require) to help students transition into the classroom once they are age appropriate.
How much of the school day is spent outside and/or on gymnastics instruction?
Students spend between 1-hour to 1.5-hours on the gym floor and in the outdoor play space to develop gross motor skills, coordination, body control, self-awareness, trust and confidence. We use positive encouragement, progressive teaching and age-appropriate equipment to teach basic gymnastics skills, cooperative games, sports, dance and rhythm while instilling a lifelong enjoyment of being active, while allowing a quieter mind at learning time.
What is the teacher to student ratio?
In the state of Washington, preschools are permitted a 1:10 ratio for ages 3-5 with a max group size of 20 kids.
Is it a gymnastics program or an academic preschool?
Seattle Preschool is both! We are an academic program with a holistic approach that supports child development from all angles; physically, socially, emotionally and academically. This includes taking advantage of our most unique and valuable asset – access to our gymnastics facility and outdoor space, with daily exercise, gymnastics and creative movement.