Blog & Parent Resources
Updates from The Seattle Preschool on new programs and events, plus our latest blog posts from our teachers, for parents of preschool age children.
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First Time Preschoolers: Tips for a Successful Start to the School Year
The first day of preschool is a significant milestone in a child’s life. It’s a moment filled with excitement and trepidation for both children and their parents. For first-time preschoolers, …
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Why we are a multi-age classroom
Over the years the classroom has changed and evolved. Some of the changes are due to the children and their individual needs and interests, while others are due to the …
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Separation Anxiety – Preschool Drop-Off
Every year the Teachers and I wait for the first day of school. Excited to meet all of the new students and see how the returners have changed! What the …
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