Preschool Philosophy & Curriculum
At Seattle Preschool, we believe in a balanced blend of self-directed play and teacher-led instruction. We utilize both play and physical activity as a medium through which children can develop their social awareness, emotion-management skills and strengthen their mind-body connection. We incorporate research-based curriculum to further support each child’s social-emotional and academic growth.
Each day consists of projects and activities inspired by the world around us. Circle time offers the students an opportunity to participate in group discussions, share ideas, gain confidence and build community connection. The multi-age setting imparts daily opportunities for peer cooperation and self-paced development.
Our staff has developed an integrated approach to theme-based curriculum that nurtures curiosity, and supports exploration and individualized growth. Our goal is to provide students with a foundation for meeting life’s challenges with independence and confidence.
Each day the teachers utilize theme-based topics and lessons. Our themes follow a logical, nature-inspired progression that inspires ideas and encourages children to explore their community, their families and their world with unlimited curiosity.

Gym Time
Our program emphasizes a comprehensive approach that supports child development from all angles; physically, socially, emotionally and academically. This includes taking advantage of our most unique and valuable asset – access to our gym space, with daily exercise and creative movement.
While on the gym floor we strive to develop gross motor skills, coordination, body control, self-awareness, trust and confidence. We use positive encouragement, progressive teaching and age-appropriate equipment to teach basic gymnastics skills, cooperative games, sports, dance and rhythm while instilling a lifelong enjoyment of being active, while allowing a quieter mind at learning time.
We also follow complimentary curriculums from respected organizations:

Second Step
A social-emotional curriculum that helps little learners harness their energy and potential by teaching them to listen, pay attention, control their behavior, and get along with others. When students enter kindergarten with the self-regulation and social-emotional skills taught in the research-based Second Step program, they’re set up for success.
Second Step ➔
Growing up WILD
Growing Up WILD is an early childhood education program that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them. Through a wide range of activities and experiences, Growing Up WILD provides an early foundation for developing positive impressions about the natural world and lifelong social and academic skills.
Growing up WILD ➔
Handwriting Without Tears
Handwriting is one of the foundational skills that leads students toward automatic word recognition. As students form letters, they are solidifying the alphabetic principle. They need to be able to retrieve the symbol for the sound automatically, so as students practice in Handwriting Without Tears (HWT), they are learning to transfer that knowledge.
Handwriting Without Tears ➔